My name is Clarice, but most people, call me ReCe. I'm a happily married USAF spouse, mother to 3 girls, and an older sister to many....Here is my blog and here are some of my candy filled thoughts, lol

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Got my 10lb's Lost Weight Watcher's Ribbon...!

Okay so after being out of town, eating some good old cajun food, coming home, and catching a cold...The first thought that hit me when I jumped on the scale, was, "Please just don't let me have gained any weight."

Not only did I NOT gain weight while I was gone...(and had to guess estimate a lot of my points), but I dropped below 200lbs!!! I was struggling to break that 200 mark and I did! I'm 198 today and hopefully will get down to 188 in another month or so. :)

I think what's great about Weight Watchers, are the meetings, and talking to the people there. I'm putting less pressure on myself to hurry up and get the weight off, although I do want it off....I'm actually taking the time to enjoy myself! I'm learning to not dread food! It's pretty cool.

At my meeting today, our speaker talked about good comebacks for people during Thanksgiving time, when people who know you're on WW, are going to say a million things too you about your food choices. 

"Should you be eating that?" "Can I eat this in front of you?" "Oh come on, why are you on a diet during the food holidays?"

It's funny the way he answered those questions without hesitation.."Yes, Go for it, and because I want to be on one." And then he moved on. That's it. There's no long drawn out explanation of why you're doing it. You're doing it and then you move on to the next topic of conversation. How awesome is that! LOL

When I went out of town, my family did that too me, to an extent. The constant questions of, "Should you eat that?" "Should I fix you something else?" and the famous "Are you SURE you can eat that?" Then there is a smirk and an, "Okay, if you say so."

After the meeting, I happily bounced to my car, happy that I can say, "Yes, I can eat it. Yes, I am sure. And please KMA." lol  Just kidding about the Kiss my a** part, lol.


  1. Hey ReCe, congrats! You are doing a great job, and, might I add, you're better than me! LOL

  2. Thank you Ken!!!!! I'm trying to be like you! Dropping it like it's hot and sorts, lol.
