My name is Clarice, but most people, call me ReCe. I'm a happily married USAF spouse, mother to 3 girls, and an older sister to many....Here is my blog and here are some of my candy filled thoughts, lol

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cooking down the days 'til our Airman gets back...

Well, in an effort to teach my brother some ways around the kitchen and to get my girls involved in a family project, we (mainly me) came up with the idea to cook the:

 "The Best Gourmet Dish kids!"

I know my 16 year old brother is probably clutching his heart at being called a kid, but 'by minors' didn't sound as appealing.

Points will be awarded for team collaboration, presentation, and of course...Taste!  

Okay, what's so exciting about this cooking challenge you may ask?

It'll give them an opportunity to really work together and it'll be even more awesome to have my husband follow along while he's away.

I'll show the good...and the bad...If it's charred, it'll be posted and if it turns out wonderfully, then I'll post it.

Wish us luck and hopefully by the time our favorite guy gets back, we'll have a great feast prepared for him, that the youngins' prepared on their own.

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