My name is Clarice, but most people, call me ReCe. I'm a happily married USAF spouse, mother to 3 girls, and an older sister to many....Here is my blog and here are some of my candy filled thoughts, lol

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gained a pound...

Not sure if it's because I'm sick with a head cold...My head feels like it weighs an extra pound or because I cheated at the Goodbye Party at my job last night. I had one hot dog and 4 cookies (yes, I even counted the cookies, lol). I'm not sure if that fluctuation would cause me to gain a pound, but either way, I'm adding 3 days to my diet to make up for my one bad day...

I was also walking my girls to school in the morning, but have not done it in the past two days, so even though the hubby is home, I'm going to get up and walk with them.

Okay, I'm off to lay down before work and to drink some Alka Seltzer cold.

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